THE COMPLETE GAMEDOG: A GUIDE TO BREEDING AND RAISING THE AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER by Ed Faron and Chris Faron THE BOOK THAT MANY DOG MEN REFER TO AS "THE PIT BULL BIBLE" It teaches about picking a dog, breeding, housing, feeding, raising, as well as veterinarian care You will be amazed what you can learn from this book when you think you knew it all A book of reference that you will keep on your self for quick access Quite detailed information in words that everyone can understand A HARDBOUND 8 1/2" x 11" page.....386 page book (thick) "Autographed" by Ed Faron... well written and recommended by real dog people A COLLECTIBLE...HARD TO FIND... REAL DOG MAN'S BOOK OF REFERENCE
Thursday, April 1, 2021
THE COMPLETE GAMEDOG:AGuide to Breeding & Raising the American Pit Bull Terrier
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